Welcome to the 2021 University of Guam Undergraduate Exhibition! This is an annual display that features the works of Fine Arts students. This year, the virtual exhibition includes 108 two-dimensional and three-dimensional works created by 17 Fine Arts students.
Fine Arts faculty selected these students to receive the following best in show awards:
Hunter Orland Best-in-Show for Environmental Art works
Best in 3D Design
Sydney Prudente
Chie Collard
Anthony Gallego
Stephanie Verroya
Yenni Liao
Sarah Johnson
Akihisa Matsunaga
Madison Orland
Tonya McDaniel
Roybert Bautista
You will get to know these students through their artwork, artists’ statements, as well as the audio and video files throughout the website. Students explain why they chose Fine Arts as a major, describe their experience as a student during the pandemic and, some of the best in show artists share details about their creative process.
The pandemic pushed the Isla Center to feature virtual exhibitions in place of the displays in the gallery. This is our fourth virtual exhibition* and we continue to explore and embrace this online platform. Once again, I thank my Gallery Management and Exhibition Design class for their work and collaboration on the website. Special thanks to Alecsandrew Gan, Margaret Espino, and Sydney Prudente for spending hours uploading, editing, and organizing sections of the exhibition.
I look forward to the day when I can greet visitors in the gallery and discuss the artwork in person. Until then, please enjoy this virtual exhibition and meet some of the students in our Fine Arts program. This exhibition will be online until June 30, 2021.
Velma Yamashita, Ph.D.
Coordinator, Isla Center for the Arts
Associate Professor of Art
University of Guam
*My Light during COVID is accessible at https://islacenter.wixsite.com/mylightduringcovid until May 7, 2021.
Best in Ceramics
Best in Charcoal
Best in Digital Art
Best in Pencil
Best in Ink
Best in Painting
Best in Printmaking
Best in Sculpture
Best in Watercolor
Honorable mention in Watercolor