Katarzyna Zimna
“Modern Issues, Traditional Solutions”
​Sisterhood and women’s solidarity has for a long time been important themes in my life, thanks to the chain of strong female figures – my grandmothers, my mother and my two daughters. The problem of women rights have become more and more burning in Poland since 2015, when the right-wing conservatist Law and Justice Party, supported by the Catholic Church, came to power. Since 22nd October 2020 many Polish women have been protesting, taking part in the so called Women’s Strike, mass street demonstrations against a decision of the nation’s Constitutional Court making almost all cases of abortion illegal. Presented prints refer to the role of the Internet in spreading the news, ideas, photos and slogans of the strikes; creating virtual bonds and also enabling virtual participation for those who are afraid or cannot go out to the streets in the time of coronavirus pandemic. In the presented works I use traditional printmaking workshop, with a touch of digital graphic tools, to embrace the mixed, ‘analogue’ as well as virtual, character of our present day experiences and activities.