Irena Keckes
Addressing the theme Modern Issues – Traditional Solutions, theme of the 4th Annual Research Conference ART exhibition. As artists, we all approach the theme and develop our concepts from our different perspectives and from our unique experiences as artists. It is my honor to participate in this show and to contribute and promote creativity of the Pacific region.
My artistic research spins around print media, in particular woodcut. This method has been one of the oldest traditional forms of printmaking, dating back to 2nd century, evolving over centuries in incredible variety of ways. Nevertheless, it remains extensively applied contemporary art form, in inexhaustible, incessant ways. Printmaking is an art field that clearly demonstrates how using traditional solutions / methods, while addressing modern issues and contemporary times, is a never-ending story.
In this online ARC exhibition, I present works that best speak of my recent research through printmaking and print objects in created layering, folding, intersecting, and sewing unique and multifaceted prints. Included in the show are two of my print media books / objects, both printed in woodcut printmaking methods, variable size. Year of creation is 2020, paper printed on is transparent tracing paper for one and 300msg BFK Rives paper. Title of the first book/object printed on thin transparent paper is “Everything is Relative”, and the second book / object is titled “Convergence”. Because these prints are displayed in space as three-dimensional objects, several images display different views and sides of the print book / object. In addition, I present two larger scale prints on BFK Rives 280msg paper, first is titled “Metamorphosis in Red” and second “Metamorphosis in Black”. These two prints are not mounted on the wall, but presented horizontally, put in a perspective that intensifies the flow and the notion of transformation and movement embodied, imprinted and voiced through forms and marks transferred from the carved blocks to the paper.